2024 OMER's Awards

Problem 3: Classics… Opening Night Antics   Division II
Raffles Girls School      Singapore, SG 31230

Our team had about 30 minutes until it was time to perform their long term and their set piece began falling apart.  The wheels fell off and they needed a tool that we did not bring in our fixit bag.  The girls from Raffles were busy working on their pieces with tools, but when they heard our team was going on in 30 minutes they put the tools in their kit and handed over the whole box wishing the team the best of luck.  Our team was able to fix the wheel and make it downstairs to perform thanks to their team. 

Problem 4: Deep Space Structure Division I

We are proud to nominate the entire BIALOSTOCKIE TOWARZYSTWO OSWIATOWE – BIALYSTOK team for an OMER award for their extraordinary talent and teamwork in Problem 4 Div 1.  The team’s solution involved a unique inventive scenario that transported the judges and audience alike into the “Deep Space” of the flea land on a cat named Cosmos.

The set featured a striking, 8 foot tall cat whose fur appearance was achieved entirely by laying out yarn in an intricate pattern that mimics real fur. Kosmos featured different colors of yarn that pulled you into the adventurous feline vibe while the deep blue eyes gave it a more personal character. In addition, the yarn was used to weave letters on the team’s sign, and create background items like flowers.

The team’s approach exemplifies the spirit of Odyssey of the Mind, combining extreme talent with ingenuity. That talent made the team worthy of an OMER award nomination.